“Cyber Threat Overview & Threat Reporting”

Special Agent Donald Todd from the Wisconsin Department of Justice discusses the current cyber threat landscape with a focus being on the threat actors targeting the United States. Included in the discussion will be the cyber capabilities of nation state threats, organized crime groups, criminals, activists and terrorists. Additionally, attendees will learn about current cyber threat information sharing opportunities.

(Presentation was not recorded, however slides are available below.)

Donald Todd is a Special Agent with the Wisconsin Department of Justice, currently assigned to the Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center (WSIC) in the Cybercrimes Unit. He joined the Wisconsin Department of Justice in October, 2014 and prior to that he spent 9 years as a police officer in Rockford, IL. Prior to his career in law enforcement, Donald served in the United States Marine Corps.

Donald investigates a wide range of cybercrimes, including network intrusions, cyber fraud, data breaches, and insider threats. He is currently a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and serves as the Training Director for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Milwaukee Chapter.

Additionally, he is an adjunct professor at Roosevelt University where he teaches courses on computer investigations and forensic accounting. Donald earned a BS degree in Management from Upper Iowa University and holds a MS in Accounting Forensics from Roosevelt University. Currently, he is a doctoral student at University of Missouri-St. Louis.


Presentation By: Special Agent Donald Todd

Meetup Presentation Date: July 31st, 2018