Join Us

We are glad you are interested in joining EC InfoSec, a free group were community members can come together to help facilitate the sharing of knowledge around the many different topics of cyber security in Eau Claire Wisconsin.  Curious to know more about who we are, and what we do? Head over and learn more about Our Mission here.

Ready to join us?

Good! It’s a quick, free, and easy process. We facilitate all of our group meetings using the website called  Head on over to our Meetup page, and join us.

We will announce upcoming meetings (via email notifications, so be sure to stay subscribed to receive notifications about new Meetups and Moderator emails). We try to give at least a three week heads-up announcement prior to the meeting. We will include details of who the presenter is, and the topic they will be talking about. Most people show up 30 minutes prior to the event to mingle. Feel free to stick around after the presenter is done talking for more mingling.

We also post our events to our Facebook group. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, and share the events with your friends.

Any questions be sure to Contact Us.